
My file is locked

There are two types of file locks. The first comes from Collabora and is designed to make sure users work collaboratively within Collabora and that the document isn't altered outside of this while editing is going on. Once all users have closed their documents this should be released. It could take a minute for this to register. The second type is a transactional file lock. These often happen during the uploading and subsequent processing of very large files. Once the processing is complete the file lock should go away automatically. If there was an error during the upload this can sometimes go wrong as well and you will have to wait until sometime has passed to ensure that the upload isn't being continued. To work around this you can temporarily rename the file you are attempting to upload again and change its name back once the locked file has been removed.


Hyperlinks are removed when sharing a read-only document

We are aware of the issue and are working with Collabora to improve this. If you do wish to share a document that is read-only with hyper-links from Collabora you can do so by exporting is as a PDF and sharing the PDF. 


When I use Windows WebDav there are issues opening documents in Microsoft Office

Recently Microsoft has stopped supporting Basic Auth and will sometimes block connections when accessing documents on Windows WebDav with Microsoft Office stating that it is unsafe. Basic Auth is the protocol which is used to connect to Research Drive via WebDav. When using Basic Auth you are always connecting to Research Drive using an encrypted connection. Further, Research Drive uses long randomly generated app passwords that would theoretically take many human lifetimes to crack using current methods. To ensure security however we recommend using one app password per WebDav connection and not writing this password down anywhere. It is always possible to generate a new WebDav app password or to revoke an old one. 

We have not supported Windows WebDav for some time because it does not work well with Research Drive and we recommend using rclone instead if you need to use WebDav or alternatively you can use the OwnCloud desktop client which does not use Basic Auth. 

When I try to log in to a guest account with a Temporary One Time Password (TOTP) it asks for a backup code

When trying to login with MFA using a TOTP you are presented with two buttons spaced very closely to each other one for entering your TOTP and one for entering your backup codes. Please make sure you click on the correct one.

I have chosen the wrong account type / I am not able to get access with my institute credentials

While creating an account, it might happen that you chose a wrong account type. If you have chosen SURFconext by mistake, you should wait for one hour and the invite link resets itself. Then you can use again to create the account you want.

But if you have chosen the "set password" option, this will immediately create the guest (or local) account. In this case, you should ask the dashboard admin to force remove you from Research Drive and then invite you again. 

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is a user (normal user/Project Folder Owner/contract admin)
  2. Alice invites Bob
  3. Bob accepts the invite, but chooses the unwanted account type (SURFconext instead of guest account or vice-versa)


I am not able to upload data on my home directory

Research Drive does not give personal quota by default. You can only upload data in a Project folder that is shared with you.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is a user 
  2. Alice is able to create empty files or folders (with size 0) in her home directory
  3. Alice is not able to upload any data or write into files in her home directory. She receives error: "Not enough free space, you are uploading XX but only 0 byte is left"
  4. Alice should click on a project folder that is shared with her and try to upload data there.


The Dashboard Shows a Different Value for Used Storage then I see within The Files Section of Research Drive.

The International System of Units (SI) recommends using the decimal system for storage capacity (e.g., KB, MB, GB), which we use both for the Dashboard and for budgeting, however OwnCloud uses binary prefixes which results in a different calculation for KiB, MiB, and GiB. There is no easy solution for this as using the binary is difficult to calculate budgets with and we cannot change how OwnCloud calculates the storage. As an example:

  • Gigabyte (GB):

    • 1 GB is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes.
    • This is based on the decimal system (base 10), where each unit is a power of 10.
  • Gibibyte (GiB):

    • 1 GiB is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes.
    • This is based on the binary system (base 2), where each unit is a power of 2.

I can't invite new users via the dashboard

Since the implementation of the new dashboard, the option to invite users is more configurable. The ability to invite users can be enabled on contract or user level.
Each account is linked to a contract. The option can be enabled on account niveau as well on contract level. In both cases the contract must be valid in order to invite users, status must be active and dates must be valid.

If the contract for your account is not correct, please ask your admin to adjust the contract to set active and the expire date somewhere in the future. 

Project details don't show changes in project members

Project memberships in the details view is not real-time information. There is a delay.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is Project Owner of a project
  2. Alice shares a directory with Bob or Alice removes Bob from the shares on that directory
  3. Alice checks the 'Project Members' list in the Project Details page
  4. There is a delay before Bob is added (or removed) from the list of Project Members
  5. The change in permissions is effective immediately, the delay only affects the details page

I don't see the users I have invited in the Dashboard/ users disappears from the dashboard

As a normal user or Project Folder Owner, you can NOT see any other active users in the dashboard. You can only see the invited users with status "NEW", meaning that they haven't accepted the invite yet and that you can still edit your invites. But as soon as the invited user accepts the invitation and makes her account "active", you can not see the user anymore in the Dashboard. This is because of privacy reasons and that you only able to see information of the projects that you have a role in, and not other user's information. The only way for a Project Folder Owner to see who is a member of the project folder is by clicking on the the project folder in the dashboard and see the "Project Membership" overview. 

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is a Project Folder Owner of a project folder 
  2. Alice invites Bob
  3. Alice can see Bob in the dashboard under "User accounts" until Bob hasn't accepted the invite. creates a project folder and assigns Bob as Project Owner
  4. Alice does not see Bob in the dashboard under "User accounts", once Bob accepts the invite.

Last login field for the users is not updated

Last login information is not real-time. There is a delay.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice logs in to Research Drive
  2. Alice checks the 'Last login' field under the 'User accounts' tab in the dashboard
  3. There is a delay before the 'Last login' field is updated

Contract admins can't find all user accounts when (re)-assigning a Project Owner

Contract Admins who assign a Project Owner don't see all accounts in the drop-down field. Contract admins need to enter the full username when (re)-assigning the Project Owner

Steps to reproduce
  1. Alice is Contract Admin
  2. Alice creates a project or  Alice opens the Project Details view and clicks 'Change Project Owner'
  3. Alice does not see all user accounts when she searches in the Project Owner field
  4. Alice needs to enter the full username in this field to (re)-assign the Project Owner

I can not open the Dashboard

If I go to the Dashboard and click on authorise, I receive an error.

Solution: Close your browser completely, empty the browser cache, and try a private window (incognito) or try another browser (Chrome, FireFox, Safari,..)


I have shared a folder/file with a user with their federated ID but they cannot see it within their Research Drive. 

Federated shares must always be accepted by the user who it has been shared with. They are never automatically accepted. Users can do this by navigating to the shared with you section in the web interface and clicking on accept. 

I'm member of a project, but I do not have the correct permissions on a higher level folder

ownCloud does not support changing permissions on higher level folders. When you do, this counts as a second share.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is Dashboard or Contract admin
  2. Alice creates the 'example' project and assigns the Project Owner role to Bob
  3. Bob now gets the share '/example (Projectfolder)'
  4. Bob creates the directory '/example (Projectfolder)/data_readable' and shares this with Charlie with 'read only' permissions
  5. Bob creates the directory '/example (Projectfolder)/data_readable/data_writable' with Charlie with 'read/write' permissions
  6. Charlie now receives two shares:
    1. Everything under '/data_readable' is 'read-only', including the directory 'data_writable'
    2. Everything under 'data_writable' is 'read/write'

I have invited a user, but I can not share files with that user

It can be that the newly invited user has not yet accepted the invite and the account is not yet active (account status in the dashboard is still "NEW"). Therefore it is not possible to share data with invited users yet. Once the invited user accepts the invite and activates the account, you can then share data with them

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Alice is a user
  2. Alice invites Bob. But Bob has not yet accepted the invite
  3. Alice can not share data with Bob
  4. Alice should wait until Bob accepts the invite and activates his account.

ownCloud Desktop Client

The ownCloud Desktop Client does not work/ is not connected

ownCloud Desktop Client makes use of an oAuth2 token, which have a max lifetime of 30days. In case your desktop client is not connected or synced, try to logout and login again and/or select the "reopen the browser" to authenticate again via browser. 

The ownCloud Desktop Client says there is not enough room on server for some uploads

If you are synching your entire OwnCloud account you must remember to place data within a Project Folder or a folder that has been shared with you. You cannot simply upload to the root directory because you have no quota there so this will not synchronise to the server.  

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