The Research Drive backend storage system is encrypted at rest. But that is server-side encryption where the keys are managed by the storage system. Depending on the project you work on it could be desirable to use a second level of encryption at the client side. This is not without risks and must be thoroughly tested by the hosting institution before being implemented. We do not recommend any specific encryption tool and do not offer support for the usage of any encryption tools, however we suggest some options below. Although this can offer a second layer of security, it is not without risk. If a user loses an encryption key data could be permanently lost. 

The simplest way to encrypt data on Research Drive would be through combining an encryption tool such as Cryptomator with the OwnCloud Desktop Client. Then you can create a vault inside your sync folder. All the data you put in your vault on your computer will be encrypted and then sent to Research Drive.

The following video shows you how Cryptomator works together with Research Drive:

Other similar encryption tools are availbale, e.g. Boxcryptor, VeraCrypt or Axcrypt.

A second option is to use an encrypted WebDav mount using the Rclone crypt functionality. This is a more technical approach. More information can be found on the Rclone website. For more information on general usage of Rclone with Research Drive please see the Rclone page of the wiki.