
The music app allows for playing audio stored on Research Drive directly in the browser. There are two ways to access this functionality:

  1. By clicking an audio file directly in the file browser
  2. By opening the music app

Playing audio directly in the file browser

Simply click the file, and it will start to play:

Playing audio through the music app

Playing audio through the app provides extra functionality. Most notably, playback speed and jump forward/backward 5 seconds

Opening files in the music app

When you are playing the file in the filebrowser, clicking the filename in the bottom bar will open it in the music app directly

Alternatively, you can click the top-left menu and select 'Music'. You will probably need to scan for music:

Controlling playback speed

When you opened the file in the music app, pressing the 'play/pause' button with right mouse click (or click for a few seconds on the play icon) opens an extra menu where you can set the desired playback speed:

Alternatively, you can use your keyboard, press

shift+, for slower

shift+. for faster

Jumping 5 seconds forward, backward

With the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard, you can jump 5 seconds forwards or backwards

Useful keyboard controls

< (shift+,)slower playback
> (shift+.)faster playback
Jump back 5 seconds
Jump forward 5 seconds
spacebarPause/resume playback
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