SURFdrive: Your safe and secure personal storage!
This manual describes the required steps which should be followed when you currently are using a SURFdrive account, which will be migrated to a new SURFdrive account.
This procedure applies when:
* Your username is not always the same as your e-mail adres! You can find your username in your profile (top right on SURFdrive).
The migration of a SURFdrive account to a new identity provider or different username is in short order:
When you are not using the SURFdrive desktop client, the migration is complete. You'll login with your new account on SURFdrive.
SURFdrive WebDAV
When you are using WebDAV, you'll need to create a new WebDAV registration and change your configuration. You can find a howto here.
SURFdrive desktop client
When you are using the SURFdrive desktop client, more steps are required.
When you are using the SURFdrive desktop client, additional steps are required. The steps required are comparable with installing SURFdrive on a new laptop. In order to prevent SURFdrive to redownload everything, and store everything locallyt wice, it is recommended to use the same synchronisation directory as the current SURFdrive synchronisation directory.
Before the migration:
After the migration
Document current synchronization folder location
Before migration it is recommended to document SURFdrive synchronisation folder location. Also, it might be handy to document which files/folders are being synchronised. These steps are separately documented for Mac OS and Windows.
Perform the following steps in order to reconnect the desktop client.