Every year, students, lecturers and (associate) professors of the Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands produce thousands of theses, studies, qualifying reports, papers and articles.
The capital base of knowledge stored in these documents is available to interested parties throughout the world in the HBO Knowledge Base (HBO Kennisbank in Dutch). The HBO Knowledge Base makes the products of the Universities of Applied Science easy to find and conveniently accessible. Through mid-2007, the Knowledge Base was filled with primarily theses from the seven Universities of Applied Science. From fall 2007 several new institutions have made their products available via HBO Knowledge Base. Also, from early 2008 next to student theses, also publications and learning objects from educators are available in the HBO Knowledge Base.
Architecture Overview
The HBO Knowledge base harvests metadata from institutional repostiories conforming to HBO Scripties, HBO Publicaties and LORElom via OAI-PMH. This metadata is then indexed and exposed via the SRU queryable API.
The portal http://www.hbo-kennisbank.nl the is primary consumer of this interface. The SRU interface is also freelty available to 3rd parties.
Application Profiles Used
- DARE use of OAI-PMH
- Structural and Technical Metadata (DIDL)
- Bibliographic Fields (MODS)
- HBO MODS Extension (metadata extension)
- Mapping HBO DC to HBO MODS (metadata mapping)
- Search Retrieval via URL for HBO Kennisbank (SRU)
- Use of Repository Deposit Protocol (SWORD)
There is an ongoing intiative to replace the HBO Scripties and HBO Publicaties application profiles, which are based on Qualified and Simple Dublin Core respectivly, with a single application profile based on MPEG21 DIDL and MODS. This makes the architecture of the HBO Kennisbank more interoperable with NARCIS.
In addition the LORElom application profile has been superseeded by the NL LOM IEEE-LOM application profile.