We have collected the information below from our connected institutions to the best of our knowledge. Sometimes procedures change; we depend on someone notifying us. Sorry if the below info does not work for you. If you have remarks or tips you want to share, please send them to support@surfconext.nl.

Yes, you can connect your institutional IdP to Zoom using SURFconext. But: Zoom uses a 'single tenant' architecture: for every customer, Zoom instantiates a separate environment. More about what a single tenant is can be found here. Due to the single tenant nature, both SURF and the institution need to do something before you can use Zoom using SURFconext.

Where to start

Institutions need to sign in with the account that comes with their Zoom license. SURF does not have that information, so institutions need to configure their part of the connection in the Zoom interface. After the institution has taken some steps, SURF also needs to take some steps to finish setting up the connection.

Configure the SURFconext metadata in the Zoom Interface

Some screenshots of the configuration can be found below.

Send your metadata to SURFconext


Below are a couple of screenshots of a working configuration.

SAML configuration

Mapping of the SURFconext attributes to Zoom fields

The SAML Response Logs may be helpful to diagnose issues

Provide entityID for Zoom instances with https:// as prefix

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