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Wiki Markup
{clickable:SURFconext for ServiceIdentity Providers|DocumentationDocumentatie forvoor ServiceIdentity Providers}
*[DocumentationDocumentatie forvoor ServiceIdentity providersProviders|surfconextdev:DocumentationDocumentatie forvoor ServiceIdentity Providers]*
If you want to offer services throughSURFconext can be used Organisations with a SURFnet connection. To connect to SURFconext, youa number willof havetechnical, toorganisational performand certainlegal steps need to be performed. [Click here|surfconextdev:DocumentationDocumentatie forvoor ServiceIdentity Providers] for an overview a step by step manual (only available in Dutch).
Wiki Markup
{clickable:SURFconext for IdentityService Providers|DocumentatieDocumentation voorfor IdentityService Providers}
*[DocumentatieDocumentation voorfor IdentityService Providersproviders|Documentatiesurfconextdev:Documentation voorfor IdentityService Providers]*

SURFconextIf canyou bewant usedto Organisationsoffer with a SURFnet connection. To connect to services through SURFconext, ayou numberwill ofhave technical,to organisationalperform and legalcertain steps need to be performed. [Click here|surfconextdev:DocumentatieDocumentation voorfor IdentityService Providers] for a step by step manual (only available in Dutch)an overview.
Wiki Markup
{clickable:Documentation for collaboration organisations|Samenwerken via SURFconext}
*[Documentatie voor samenwerkingsorganisaties|surfconextdev:Samenwerken via SURFconext]*
The SURFconext-infrastructure can help collaboration organisations with verification, authorization and group management. [Click here|surfconextdev:Samenwerken via SURFconext] to see the possibilities (only available in Dutch).
Wiki Markup
{clickable:Support pagesDocumentation for the migration from SURFfederatie to SURFconext|conextsupport:SURFconext supportMigration SURFfederatie - SURFconext}
*[Ondersteuningspagina'sInformatie over de migratie van SURFfederatie naar SURFconext|conextsupport:SURFconext supportsurfconextdev:Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext]*
Once you are connectedSURFfederatie merged to SURFconext,. [theseClick pageshere|] provide support for built-in applications in SURFconextsurfconextdev:Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext] for more information about this trajectory.
Wiki Markup
{clickable:Documentation for the migration from SURFfederatie toSupport pages SURFconext|Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconextconextsupport:SURFconext support}
*[Informatie over de migratie van SURFfederatie naarOndersteuningspagina's SURFconext|surfconextdevconextsupport:Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconextSURFconext support]*
SURFfederatie mergedOnce you are connected to SURFconext., [Clickthese herepages|surfconextdev:Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext]] provide support for morebuilt-in informationapplications aboutin this trajectorySURFconext.