This section addresses an important issue on Usage Rights and Deposit Rights. In practice this must be implemented. The DRIVER Guidelines should say something on how Usage Rights should be exposed and formatted in metadata.

The basis of this section will be the Copyright Toolbox developed by SURFfoundation and JISC that reflect the Zwolle principles.
See: for more information.
For more information about copyright and the licences to deposit, to use and reuse, see
With Open Access, the Intellectual Property Rights must be managed in a correct way. Even if the document is Open Access available, copyright can limit the use of the material that has been found. Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."
For science, in order to spread the knowledge as freely as possible, without losing the notion of ownership, one could use the Creative Commons license BY-SA in your jurisdiction area.
This means

  • SA - Share Alike: everyone is allowed to use your material, even commercial use is allowed
    • Remark 1: every party, commercial or not, have to use the same license for their derived work. As a result: knowledge will not be locked in.
    • Remark 2: however, innovation speed could be slowed down, because some parties do not want to use the same license model when making derivative work.
  • BY: everyone always have to refer to your name as the original creator (so you also will get credits for contributing).

If you use copyright, we recommend using copy rights with a good usage description. For example
In Unqualified Dublin Core the licenses become machine readable by using the following:

<dc:rights>cc-by-sa, Andrew Smith</dc:rights>

For a complete technical overview see section Rights on page .
For more information see also

  • No labels