Placeholder voor alle nieuwe documentatie rondom eduGAIN. Alleen leden van het team "COIN Jira Developers" kunnen erbij.

What is eduGAIN?

eduGAIN is a service developed within the GÉANT project. eduGAIN interconnects identity federations around the world (interfederation), simplifying access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community. eduGAIN enables the trustworthy exchange of information related to identity, authentication and authorisation (AAI) by coordinating elements of the federations’ technical infrastructure and providing a policy framework that controls this information exchange.

What advantages does eduGAIN offer for my organisation?

Opting-in for eduGAIN allows the users of an organization to access more services. They can not only access services operated in SURFconext but also services operated worldwide. In particular, university staff members, researchers and students will be able to participate in research projects that use eduGAIN for authenticated access.

Opting-in a SURFconext service to eduGAIN allows creating access control rules not only for Dutch higher education users but other federation-users from all over the world.


An Identity Provider (IdP) is an organisation that provides information about the identity of a user that makes authentication of a user possible. Examples of Identity Providers are Universities and research institutions. These organizations deliver the identities for their students and employees. If you're an Identity Provider, please continue to the Documentatie voor IdP's aangesloten op SURFconext (Dutch).

A Service Provider (SP) is an organisation that delivers content and services that are available via the internet. For example: web shops, video services and publishers but also educational institutions which offer online courses for students from other institutions. Examples are SURFspot, Google Apps for Education and EDUgroepen. If you're a Service Provider, please continue to Documentation for SPs connected to SURFconext.

Movie explaining eduGAIN