SURFconext offers Single Sign-On access to a multitude of online applications. Almost 100 Dutch higher education and research institutions already provide access to any kind of electronic resources via SURFconext.  Examples of connected applications are Google Apps for Education, Edugroepen and Cisco WebEx, Greenqloud and many more.

Get started with SURFconext:

{clickable:Link to Conexting Service Providers|Procedure Service Provider}

[!service-provider.png|align=right,width=170,hspace=5px!|Procedure Service Provider] *[Information for Service providers|surfconextdev:Procedure Service Provider]*

_There are some steps that service providers need to take to connect to SURFconext. Click_ _[here for an overview.|]_
{clickable:Link to Conexting Identity Providers|Procedure Identity Provider}

[!identity-provider.png|align=right,width=170,hspace=5px!|Procedure Identity Provider] *[Information for Identity Providers|Procedure Identity Provider]*

_Institutions connected to SURFnet can connect to SURFconext. This requires some technical, organizational and legal steps. Click_ [here|] _for the step by step connection guide for Identity Providers_

{clickable:Support pages|conextsupport:SURFconext support}

[!|align=right,width=150,hspace=5px!|Procedure Identity Provider][*Support pages SURFconext (end users)*|conextsupport:SURFconext support]

_End users can_ _[log in|conextsupport:Log in SURFconext]_ _with SURFconext, view their own_ _[SURFconext profile|conextsupport:Profile page]_ _or_ _[manage teams in SURFteams|conextsupport:SURFteams]__._
{clickable:Link to Information for Virtual Organizations|Information for Virtual Organizations}

[!|align=right,width=170,hspace=5px!|Virtual Organizations implementations] *[Information for Virtual Organizations|Virtual Organizations implementations]*

_The SURFconext infrastructure can support Virtual Organizations with authentication, authorization and group management. There are several_ _[implementations of Virtual Organizations|Virtual Organizations implementations]__._

{clickable:Link to Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext|Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext}

[!federatie-conext.png|align=right!|Virtual Organizations implementations] *[Information about migration SURFfederatie to SURFconext|surfconextdev:Migration SURFfederatie - SURFconext]*

_This section provides all information regarding the migration of SURFfederatie to SURFconext. _
