On this page example SAML 2.0 messages are shown to illustrate how the  SURFconext Strong Authentication Gateway uses SAML 2.0 to provide its functionality to Service Providers.

Requesting authentication at a specific LoA

A SP can request authentication at a specific LoA by specifying the LoA in the AuthnRequest. Note that an SP can send an AuthnRequest to the gateway at any time, also when a user is already logged in at the SP. This allows an SP to raise the LoA for a user that is using the service depending on the context, for instance the operation performed by the user at the SP.

The requested LoA is interpreted as a minimum LoA. The SURFconext Strong Authentication gateway:

The LoA required by the SP is passed to the SURFconext Strong Authentication gateway in an AuthnContextClassRef element in a RequestedAuthnContext element in the SAML AuthnRequest:

<samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" 

Note that All AuthnRequest messages must be signed be the SP using SHA-2. The SP must use the HTTP-REDIRECT binding to submit the request. When using this binding the signature is put in HTTP request parameters, no XML-Signature is used.