
SURFconext Strong Authentication allows institutions to secure access to cloud-based services linked to SURFconext more effectively. Better security is particularly critical for cloud services handling more sensitive data. See the Introduction to SURFconext Strong Authentication for more information about the service.

Introduction to SURFconext Strong Authentication

Go directly to the documentation

Instellingen (Identity Providers) die aangesloten zijn op SURFconext kunnen gebruik maken van SURFconext Sterke Authenticatie door zich hiervoor aan te melden. Alle relevante informatie is opgenomen in de documentatie voor Identity Providers.


     Hoofdpagina voor Identity Providers

  1. Aanmelden
  2. Sterke Authenticatie inschakelen voor diensten
  3. Richtlijnen
  4. Registratieproces
  5. RA selecteren
  6. Tokens intrekken

Service Providers can enable strong authentication by connecting their service to SURFconext Strong Authentication. All relevant information about SURFconext Strong Authentication is provided through the documentation for Service Providers.


     Main for Service Providers

  1. Connect your service
  2. Configuring a Shibboleth SP
  3. Configuring a simpleSAMLphp SP

The SURFconext team is the first point of contact for all questions, issues or incidents regarding SURFconext Strong Authentication. The SURFconext team offers support to all connected Identity Providers and Service Providers. Please contact us via:

More detailed contact information can be found on the Contact information page.

Most of the information about SURFconext Strong Authentication can be found in the links to the documentation above. If you can't find the answer there, take a look at the list of frequently asked questions.

The frequently asked question are in included on the FAQ-section of this wiki.