This example shows how to set up an enrollment based on an self-signup, using SAML as authorative source. Please see Configuring COmanage Enrollment Flows for more details about configuring enrollment flows.

The key difference between self-signup and invitation flows is the fact that for self-signup, COmanage creates a so-called Organisational-Identity (OI) based on the authenticated user values. Once this OI is created, it can be used as default provider for relevant enrollment attributes that are used to create a COPerson record within the boundaries of the CO.


Howto setup the enrollment flow: Self-signup?

  1. Login to COmanage.
  2. Click on your CO where you want to configure the flow.
  3. Select the "Configuration" from the menu. And click on configuration. Select the option: Enrollment Flows.

  4. Select the Self Signup Enrollment Flow (Template) and duplicate it before making adjustments.

  5. Click on Edit of the newly created flow and you can start with the configuration of the flow.


No screenshot of this configuration is supplied, but for a relevant screenshot, look at Example invite flow configuration

The general flow is:

Important fields in the configuration form:

After configuring this form, perform the following steps: