Steps for COmanage administrators: installation (download clickable PDF)

Before you can try COmanage, you need to install it (as long as it is available and does what you need, you can also use the demo environment at ). If you want to install COmanage:

  1. Acquaint yourself with COmanage terminology: 
  2. Install COmanage on a (Virtual) Machine: a how-to can be found in the readme at 

Steps for COmanage administrators, after installation (download clickable PDF)

We recommend the following steps when you want to try-out/start using COmanage:
  1. Learn about different types of admins and super users: Registry Administrators
  2. Create a new CO: How to Create a New CO
  3. Configure a new CO: How to Configure a CO 
  4. Enable enrollment flows: How to Configure Enrollment Flows
  5. Configure an invitation flow: How to Configure an Invitation Enrollment Flow
  6. Configure a Self Signup Flow: How to Configure a Self Signup Enrollment Flow 
  7. Add new CO members: How to Add New CO Members
  8. Assign CO admin roles to members: How to Make a Member into a CO Admin 
  9. Learn about different types of groups: COUs vs CO Groups
  10. Create a Group: How to Create a Group 

Graphical representation (download for a clickable version):


If you want more info, including how COmanage can play a role in different scenario's, available plugin-options and integration with a more feature rich group supplier like Grouper, access the COmanage Administrative Manual at , or the Technical Manual at .

Hopefully, you are now able to have users login to your portal, as was shown in the video (if the video doesn't start playing, try opening it full-screen via the icon in the top right corner):

