For the What's Next at SURFconext event of the 20th of March 2018 we've created a demo-flow. 

If you want to show this demo to someone else while already having been signed-up, you can use a private browser window and sign-up again.
If you use this option, don't forget to execute EVERY step in a private window, also opening the confirmation email link.
Already signed up, but want to access the demo service? Login to COmanage at and select the "What's Next? Demo CO" and select the service (Wordpress site).

COmanage, part of the current SCZ-setup, lets administrators define several types of invitation flows. You can find more about that in the documentation.

When a research collaboration is o.k. with people signing up by themselves, they can publish a link, for instance attached to a "Sign Up" button on a website.

For the demo we used this self signup invitation flow:
URL: (For the demo, you can currently only login with a Google-account. Why? Because your institution probably hasn't been connected to the SCZ-proxy, you can't use your institutional account to login).

In COmanage you can configure each flow. This demo flow is configured such that:

This demo currently is showing you how one flow (of many, configurable) works and how a researcher could access a service based on the credentials and attributes in COmanage. Over time, we are planning to extend the demo to show more aspects.