WISH = Werkgroep Infrastructuur SHare

h2. Problem definition

Description of the problem to be solved by this working group

h2. Scope

Description of the scope of the working group

h2. Role

Description of the role that the working group plays

h2. Results and deliverables


|| Date || Result/Deliverable \\ || Description \\ || Status \\ ||
| | | | |
| | | | |

h2. Members

[Members of WISH |https://www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/surfshare/Lists/Contacts/AllItems.aspx?View={1E6B560D-E77D-4960-B36E-15AE123E6763}&FilterField1=SHARE%5Fx0020%5F%5Fx0028%5Fwerk%5Fx0029%5Fgr&FilterValue1=Wg%2E%20Infrastructuur%20SHARE%20%28WISH%29](not public)\\


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