What does work:

What is not yet available:

  • Log in to a service to which the ORCID attribuut can be passed. There are currently no services that want to receive the ORCID attribuut linked by SURFconext. We would like to get in touch (support@surfconext.nl) with services or institutions that want to support this.

By registering ORCID once and linking it directly to your institution ID via SURFconext, various services can automatically receive this number when you log in with your institution account. You will always be asked per service if you want to share your ORCID and you can undo this link at any time.

Create an ORCID directly or link an existing ORCID

More information

About ORCID: https://orcid.org/about/what-is-orcid/mission

View links and revoke permissions: https://profile.surfconext.nl

Attribute aggregation and SURFconext: https://blog.surf.nl/en/enrich-your-identity-attribute-aggregation-in-surfconext/

ORCID is a unique personal number for researchers. ORCID is issued by an American non-profit organization and is used worldwide by publishers, repositories and institutions to uniquely identify researchers

Overview Flow

By using a URL (1) generated by SURFconext, a user can connect an existing or new ORCID ID to the ID provided by the institution (2). The user grants permission to ORCID (3) to share this ID with SURFconext.