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Blackboard is a Learning Management System (LMS) that enables instructors to provide students with access to course materials, communication tools, online assessments, grades, and the ability to submit assignments electronically. This page will show you what steps to take to connect your Blackboard instance to SURFconext.

Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS) that enables instructors to provide students with access to course materials, communication tools, online assessments, grades, and the ability to submit assignments electronically.


Blackboard can be obtained with a SURFmarket campus license. You will need an account for to view the SURFmarket information about this product. 


See the SURFconext Dashboard for SAML attribute requirements or read our attributes page. Attributes needed in the IdP configuration and forwarded by SURFconext to Blackboard are:

SIngle- or Multi-tenancy

Blackboard is a single-tenant service. Every Identity Provider has their own instance and need to be maintained by the Identity Provider the instance belongs to.


Blackboard has multiple ways to configure Single Sign-On. Authentication with blackboard is described on their support pages. One of the options is to use Shibboleth, and this is a well known tool to connect services to SURFconext. Read more about Blackboard and Shibboleth at Blackboards support page.


Blackboard provides information on managing user accounts. Accounts can be added in batch through the administrator panel for example.